CSCI 161
Course Notes
1. Introduction and Output
2. Print, Values, Variables, Types
3. Statements and Expressions
4. Input and Changing Types
5. Functions
6. Propositional Logic
7. Testing Your Code and Type Hints
8. If/Else
9. Putting Things Together
10. Loops
11. Strings & Objects
12. Lists
13. References
14. Aliases & List Trivia
15. Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets
16. Debugging
17. File IO
18. Exceptions
19. Objects I — Introduction
20. Objects II — More on Methods
21. Objects III — Interacting Objects
22. Unittest
23. Objects IV — Data Structures
24. Searching and Complexity
25. Sorting Algorithms
1. Hello World
2. Functions
3. Testing
4. Conditionals
5. Car Rental
6. Loops & Linear Search
7. Lists
8. 2D Lists
9. References & More Lists
10. Objects
11. Unit Testing Objects
12. Data Structures
1. Density of Starbucks
2. Zombie Infections
3. Tic-Tac-Toe
4. Country Catalogue
Getting Started
Getting set up for CSCI 161
Computer Science 161 Section 11 — Introduction to Programming
CSCI 161