19. Implementing PSO

  • The purpose of this topic is to see an implementation of particle swarm optimization (PSO)

  • It is a simple implementation that incorporates no enhancements

  • The problem PSO is being applied to in this example is some arbitrary benchmark real number optimization problem

  • Despite how simple the implementation is, it will still perform well

19.1. Problem

  • PSO is often used for real/floating point number optimization

  • Any real number optimization problem would work, but there there exist several benchmark test functions

  • The goal is

    • Given some \(n\) dimensional real/floating point number function

      • The function takes \(n\) real/floating point numbers as arguments

      • The function returns a single real/floating point number

    • Find the arguments for the function that produces the smallest/largest output

      • Depending on if it is a minimization or maximization problem

19.1.1. Matyas Function

  • Here, the Matyas function is used

    • \(f(x, y) = 0.26(x^{2} + y^{2}) - 0.48xy\)

    • The optimal values for the function’s arguments are \((0, 0)\)

    • This function was arbitrary selected


Three-dimensional representation of the Matyas function. The function’s arguments (\(x, y\)) are represented in a two-dimensional Cartesian space and the function’s output, the third dimension, is represented by colour.

  • The Matyas function is used as a minimization problem that takes two arguments

  • Thus, the goal is to find the values of those arguments that result in the smallest value

    • Although it is known pre hoc that the optimal solution is \((0, 0)\)

    • The point is to see if PSO can find this solution

25def matyas_function(x, y):
26    """
27    Optimization function being searched through for the minimum value. This function's minimum value is at f(0,0) = 0
28    and has a search domain of -10 <= x,y <= 10. This function was taken from the wikipedia article on "Test functions
29    for optimization": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_functions_for_optimization
31    :param x: X value
32    :param y: Y value
33    :return: Result of the matyas function
34    """
35    return 0.26 * (x**2 + y**2) - 0.48 * x * y

19.2. Initialization

  • Here, all particle positions and velocities are assigned random values to start

    • However, any form of initialization may be used

    • For example, seeding the particle positions with already known good points in space

40    particles = []
41    for _ in range(NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES):
42        particle = {
45        }
46        particle["best_known_position"] = particle["position"]
47        particles.append(particle)
48    global_best = particles[0]["position"]
  • Notice in the above code that the particles’ starting positions, although randomly selected, are bounded

  • Also notice that the particles’ best and global best positions are initialized

  • For reference, below are the hyperparameters selected

19INERTIA = 0.729844
20COGNITIVE = 1.496180
21SOCIAL = 1.496180
  • The inertia, social, and cognitive terms are set to the values suggested bu van den Bergh

  • The number of dimensions is dictated by the Matyas function

  • The other values are arbitrary selected

19.3. Evaluation

  • A particle’s position corresponds to the arguments that are to be provided to the function

  • Therefore, provide the particle’s coordinates to the function to evaluate

  • Once the function’s value is returned, update the particle’s best known position and global best position if necessary

  • Notice that each particle does not need to know what it’s fitness value is

  • The algorithm only cares about

    • Each particle’s best known position

    • The global best position

54        for particle in particles:
55            particle_value = matyas_function(*particle["position"])
56            if particle_value < matyas_function(*particle["best_known_position"]):
57                particle["best_known_position"] = particle["position"]
58            if particle_value < matyas_function(*global_best):
59                global_best = particle["position"]

19.4. Update Velocity & Speed

\[\vec{v_{i}}(t+1) = \omega\vec{v_{i}}(t) + c_{1}\vec{r_{1}}(\vec{p_{i}}_{best} - \vec{x_{i}}(t)) + c_{2}\vec{r_{2}}(\vec{g}_{best} - \vec{x_{i}}(t))\]
\[\vec{x_{i}}(t+1) = \vec{x_{i}}(t) + \vec{v_{i}}(t+1)\]
63        for particle in particles:
64            r1 = np.random.rand(FUNCTION_DIMENSIONS)
65            r2 = np.random.rand(FUNCTION_DIMENSIONS)
66            particle["velocity"] = (
67                INERTIA * particle["velocity"]
68                + COGNITIVE * r1 * (particle["best_known_position"] - particle["position"])
69                + SOCIAL * r2 * (global_best - particle["position"])
70            )
71            particle["position"] = particle["position"] + particle["velocity"]

19.5. Termination Requirement

  • Any stopping criteria could be used

  • Here, a predetermined set of iterations was specified

  • In other words, the fitness and position update processes are repeated within a loop until all iterations complete

52    for _ in range(ITERATIONS):
53        # [begin-evaluation]
54        for particle in particles:
55            particle_value = matyas_function(*particle["position"])
56            if particle_value < matyas_function(*particle["best_known_position"]):
57                particle["best_known_position"] = particle["position"]
58            if particle_value < matyas_function(*global_best):
59                global_best = particle["position"]
60        # [end-evaluation]
62        # [begin-position-update]
63        for particle in particles:
64            r1 = np.random.rand(FUNCTION_DIMENSIONS)
65            r2 = np.random.rand(FUNCTION_DIMENSIONS)
66            particle["velocity"] = (
67                INERTIA * particle["velocity"]
68                + COGNITIVE * r1 * (particle["best_known_position"] - particle["position"])
69                + SOCIAL * r2 * (global_best - particle["position"])
70            )
71            particle["position"] = particle["position"] + particle["velocity"]
72        # [end-position-update]
  • Finally, once complete, the global best position will be the best position found by the PSO algorithm

76    print(global_best, matyas_function(*global_best))

19.6. For Next Class

  • TBD