17. Multi-Objective Problems
For the most part, all problems looked at have been single objective problems
However, it is not uncommon to have multiple objectives to optimize
Sometimes these objectives compliment each other, and sometimes they are in conflict with one another
Consider buying a house
Low price
Want at least 4 bedrooms
Want to have a small commute distance
Proximity to amenities
Some of these features are subjective
The amenities one cares about
Some complement one another
Small commute and amenities are probably related
Some are in conflict
At least 4 bedrooms and close to amenities
Low price
17.1. Scalarization
Scalarization is the process of scaling the various features to be optimized and combining them into a single value
It is a way to turn multi-objective problems into a single objective problem
It is an a priori process, meaning the decisions about the scaling must be done before the search starts
17.1.1. Weighted Sum
The simplest strategy is a weighted sum
Scale each individual objective being optimized and add them together to make a single value
\(w_{1}f_{1}(x) + w_{2}f_{2}(x) + w_{3}f_{3}(x) + ... + w_{m}f_{m}(x)\)
\(x\) is some chromosome
\(m\) is the number of objectives being optimized
\(f_{i}(x)\) is a function returning the \(i^{th}\) objective’s fitness on chromosome \(x\)
\(w_i\) is the weight/scale of objective \(i\)
If one objective is more important than another, assign it a stronger weight
Use negative weights to account for objectives that are to be minimized/maximized
Unfortunately, however, weighted sums do not work too well beyond two or three objectives
Further, it’s not always easy to assign the weights
17.2. Dominance
Sometimes it is not possible to truly select the best option
If one house has a lower price than another, then that’s good
And if one house is bigger than another, then that’s good
But, how does one compare price to size?
However, it may be clear that some options are better/worse than others
If a house is bigger and cheaper than another, then that’s good
In the above example,
Point a is better than b in both dimensions
Point a is better than c in one dimension, but equal in another
Point a is worse than e in both dimensions
It is difficult to compare points a and d since one is better in one dimension but worse in the other
Here, one would say point a dominates points b and c
Although a and c are equal along the x-axis, a is still better in the y-axis
Thus, one would still choose a as the better data point
Further, point a is dominated by point e
17.2.1. Pareto Sets
Given the set of solutions \(S\) and some subset of solutions \(Q \subset S\)
A data point \(x \in S\) is non-dominated by the set \(D\) if no solution \(y \in D\) dominates \(x\)
A set of non-dominated solutions \(N \subset S\) defines the Pareto-Optimal Set
It is possible to create multiple Pareto Sets by repeatedly applying this process on the set difference \(S - N\)
17.2.2. Evolutionary Algorithms and Pareto Style Multi-Objective Optimization
Since EC algorithms are typically population based, they work well with Pareto style multi-objective optimization
The population can be ranked into Pareto Sets
The Pareto-Optimal set will contain all good solutions
Consider the issue with weighted sum and selecting weights for difficult to quantify and compare feature
With a Pareto-Optimal Set, there is no need to decide on the weights
A set of solutions is presented in the end which can then be selected from
It may still be difficult to select a single solution from this Pareto-Optimal set
But at least that’s not something the algorithm is trying to figure out for the user
17.3. For Next Class