4. Problems

  • The maximization of the decimal integer value of an unsigned binary number was a toy problem

    • It is a trivial problem that, in practice, one would not use evolutionary computation for

  • Evolutionary computation is typically used for problems with no known reasonable approach to address

    • It’s a strategy to be used as a last resort

    • It is computationally expensive

    • It’s often harder to understand compared to other algorithms

    • Depending on the problem, it is notorious for overfitting

  • For learning purposes, classic toy problems will be used in this course

  • But it is important to know which types of problems evolutionary computation is appropriate for

4.1. Systems


Abstract representation of a general system. Systems typically receive some input, perform some function, and produce some form of output.

  • Above is a simple black-box representation is a system

  • The system receives some number of inputs

  • The system performs some operation on the input

  • The system produces some form of output

  • Thinking of a system in this way helps distinguish the three important components

  • For concrete examples, consider

    • Calculating a grocery bill

      • Input — Prices of the items being purchased

      • Model — Sum the prices plus a sales tax calculation

      • Output — A grocery bill

    • Designing an aircraft wing

      • Input — Shape of the wing

      • Model — Equations of complex fluid dynamics

      • Output — Estimates of drag and lift

    • Photosynthesis

      • Input — Light, carbon dioxide, and water

      • Model — Light reactions and the Calvin cycle

      • Output — Oxygen and sugar

    • Calculating the time it takes to drive to work

      • Input — Route taken

      • Model — Spacetime

      • Output — Time taken

  • As computer scientists, we often like to think of the model as some function

  • Take some real world thing (in vivo) and try to model it with a computer (in silico)

  • With a known model, the output can be computer for any valid input

4.2. Optimization


Given a system, if the goal is to find the best set of inputs, then it is called an optimization problem.

  • Optimization takes place when the model and output objectives are known, but the input is not

    • The search space is the set of all possible inputs

  • For example, finding the path to work that results in the smallest amount of time possible

    • The search space would be all possible paths to work

    • Though, most of the paths would be terrible, so it is common to constrain the search space

    • For example, assuming living and working in the same town, do not consider paths that go out of town

4.2.1. Travelling Salesman Problem

  • The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classic optimization problem

    TSP can be modelled as an undirected weighted graph, such that cities are the graph’s vertices, paths are the graph’s edges, and a path’s distance is the edge’s weight. It is a minimization problem starting and finishing at a specified vertex after having visited each other vertex exactly once [1].

  • Effectively, the problem is to find the shortest Hamiltonian cycle within the graph


Example of a small TSP instance with four cities (vertices). In this example, each city has a path (edge) to all other cities that has an associated weight.

  • To think of this in terms of the three parts of a system

    • Given a Hamiltonian cycle (input)

    • Sum the edges of the weights in the cycle (model)

    • Return the total cycle length (output)

  • But this is just a description of the system, not the description of an optimization problem

  • To frame this as an optimization problem, find the Hamiltonian cycle that produces the smallest possible cycle length

  • There is a trivial algorithm to solve any instance of this problem

    • Find the length of all possible Hamiltonian cycles

    • Pick the path with the smallest cycle length

  • Given a set of vertices \(V\), the computational complexity of calculating a cycle length is \(O(|V|)\)

  • Thus, it’s only a matter of applying a linear time algorithm to each cycle How Many Cycles are There?

  • The starting/ending city is always fixed

  • Given the four city example above and a set starting city, how many cities are there that could be visited next?

    • \(3\)

  • After the next city is picked, how many possible cities are there to visit next?

    • \(2\)

  • After that, there is only \(1\) city remaining

  • Therefore, there should be a total of 6 possible cycles (\(3 \times 2 \times 1 = (4 - 1)!\))

    1. \(A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow D \rightarrow A\)

    2. \(A \rightarrow B \rightarrow D \rightarrow C \rightarrow A\)

    3. \(A \rightarrow C \rightarrow B \rightarrow D \rightarrow A\)

    4. \(A \rightarrow D \rightarrow C \rightarrow B \rightarrow A\)

    5. \(A \rightarrow C \rightarrow D \rightarrow B \rightarrow A\)

    6. \(A \rightarrow D \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow A\)

  • Half of these cycles are just the reverse of another cycles, so they can be ignored

  • To generalize this, the number of possible cycles is \(\frac{(|V|-1)!}{2}\)

  • How many possible cycles are there for an instance of \(100\) cities then?

    • \(\frac{(100-1)!}{2} = \frac{99!}{2} = 4.666311\times10^{155}\)

    • For a point of reference, there are about \(2.4\times10^{67}\) atoms in the Milky Way

4.2.2. \(n\) Queens

  • Place \(n\) queens on an \(n \times n\) chess board such that no two queens can attack each other

    • No two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal


Example of a backtracking algorithm searching for an admissible solution to the 8 queens problem. The 8 queens problem is a specific case of the \(n\) queens problem.

  • Unlike TSP, this problem is a little different for optimization

  • There is nothing being minimized

  • Instead, all that is needed is a valid board configuration

    • It’s binary — valid or not How Many Board Configurations are There?

  • How many configurations of \(8\) queens are there on an \(8 \times 8\) board?

    • \(64\) choose \(8\)

    • \({64 \choose 8} = 4,426,165,368\)

  • However, there are only \(92\) valid board configurations

  • To generalize this, it would be \(n \times n \choose n\)

4.2.3. NASA’s Problems


Image of a truss structure in space. Versions of this structure were designed with a GA to enhance vibration isolation characteristics.


NASA’s ST5 spacecraft Antenna designed with evolutionary computation. This design maximizes the radiation pattern.

4.3. Modelling


Given a system, if the goal is to define the functionality and processes to produce the output, then it is called modelling.

  • Writing software is modelling

  • Sometimes it’s a simple problem, like writing a program to calculate a grocery bill

  • But sometimes it’s complex, like writing a classifier for iris classification based on petal and sepal sizes


Example iris flowers. Iris classification is a classic toy machine learning problem

  • When using machine learning and AI for modelling, one can think of this modelling as an optimization problem

    • Find the best classifier setup

    • For example, find a classifier (model) to classify the irises (input) such that the error (output) is minimized

    • The search space is the set of all possible models

4.3.1. Real World Problem


Find a model that best describes the relationships between regions of interest within a human brain during some task.

4.4. Simulation


Given a system, if the goal is to know the output of applying some input to a model, then it is called simulation.

  • Simulation occurs when the input and model is known, but the output is not known

  • Simulation is used when real world experiments may not be feasible

4.5. Search Problems


Example search space, or, fitness landscape. This example has two dimensions plus the z-dimension representing fitness. As the location in 2D space changes, the fitness value changes.

  • If the search space is small enough, then it may be possible to enumerate all possible configurations

  • However, the search space can be enormous, or even infinite

  • When framing problems as a search problem, one can think of the problem solver as a mechanism to traverse that space

    • For example, a GA traversing the search space of all possible Hamiltonian cycles for a TSP instance

  • It also allows for asking questions like

    • What is a good way to traverse the space?

    • Can the search be changed?

    • Can a feature of the search space be exploited?

    • Can the space be constrained or simplified?

4.6. Optimization vs Constraints

  • Objective functions (fitness functions in the context of evolutionary computation) are used for optimization

    • With TSP, minimize the total distance of the Hamiltonian cycle

  • A binary evaluation checks if a given constraint holds

    • With \(n\)-queens, are all queens safe?

  • Sometimes optimization problems have constraints

    • Consider TSP with a requirement that some city \(X\) is visited before city \(Y\)

  • It is also sometimes possible to convert constraint problems

    • Instead of finding a chess board configuration with no attacking queens, minimize the number of attacking queens

  • Further, it is sometimes possible to add constrains to an optimization problem to reduce the size of the search space

    • Like in the example above — not looking for paths to work that go out of town

4.7. Hardness

  • For simplicity

    • A problem is easy if there is some fast solver for it

    • A problem is hard if there is no fast solver for it

4.7.1. Continuous vs Discrete

  • If the problem is defined in terms of continuous values (like real numbers), it is called numerical optimization

    • These problems have uncountably infinite search spaces

  • If the problem is defined in terms of discrete values (like integers), then it is called combinatorial optimization

    • These problems have finite or countably infinite search spaces

4.7.2. What to Know About Hardness

  • Class P are decision problems that can be solved in polynomial time

  • Class NP are decision problems with positive solutions that can be verified in polynomial time

    • For example, restricted subset sum — does there exist a subset of a set of integers that sums to \(0\)?

    • Class P \(\subseteq\) Class NP

  • Class NP-Complete are decision problems with no known polynomial time algorithm but can be verified in polynomial time

    • All NP-Complete problems are reducible to one another

  • Class NP-Hard are decision problems with no known polynomial time algorithm and can’t be verified in polynomial time

    • For example, the decision version of TSP


Relationships between P, NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard class problems. Both assumptions of P \(\ne\) NP and P \(=\) NP are included.

4.7.3. What to Really Know about Hardness

  • There are some very hard problems out there

  • Given this, the goal is often to find a good enough solution to these hard problems

  • This is where tools like evolutionary computation comes in

4.8. For Next Class

  • TBD