1. Travelling Salesperson Problem


Claiming that objectives/tasks/enhancements were complete within the report when in reality they were not is (a) a serious form of academic misconduct — falsifying results — and (b) against the student code of conduct.

These violations are subject to severe penalty. All violations will be reported and investigated fully.

1.1. Base Task

The base task is to implement a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP).

1.2. Marking Details

A total of 25 points may be obtained on this assignment. Although it is not required to complete all portions of the assignment (one may choose to only try to obtain, for example, 20 points), all portions must be completed correctly and effectively to receive all 25 points.

Below is a high-level overview of how points will be awarded. Details on each task are provided later in the assignment description.

  • A total of 4 points will be awarded for having a working implementation of the GA for TSP

    • A total of 3 additional points may be awarded for adding enhancements to the GA

    • Applying a GA to a more complex version of the problem, the Vehicle Routing Problem, will award 4 points

    • Generating an effective visualization for solutions may award up to 2 additional points

    • A complete report will award up to 4 points

      • Using LaTeX to generate the report will award an additional 2 points

      • Including proper references/citations awards an additional 2 points

      • Including figures and tables awards an additional 2 points

      • Performing an effective statistical analysis will award an additional 2 points


A working GA is required in order to obtain any points for the additional tasks described within the assignment.

1.3. Provided Files

Files containing JSON formatted TSP instances can be found on the github repository

The instances were originally obtained from TSPLIB but were parsed to be in an easier to work with format — JSON.

Only a subset of the TSPLIB files are provided — those that contain 2D coordinates where the weights of the edges are the Euclidean distance between vertices (cities).

Below is an example of a JSON file of a TSP instance. Only the first 27 lines of this file is shown.

 2    "NAME": "a280",
 3    "COMMENT": "drilling problem (Ludwig)",
 4    "TYPE": "TSP",
 5    "DIMENSION": "280",
 8        [
 9            1.0,
10            288.0,
11            149.0
12        ],
13        [
14            2.0,
15            288.0,
16            129.0
17        ],
18        [
19            3.0,
20            270.0,
21            133.0
22        ],
23        [
24            4.0,
25            256.0,
26            141.0
27        ],

The data is encoded similar to a dictionary.

  • "NAME" — The name of the instance

  • "COMMENT" — Some comment to go along with the instance

  • "TYPE" — The type of the instance

    • All should be "TSP"

  • "DIMENSION" — The number of vertices (cities)

  • "EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE" — How the edge weight is calculated

    • All should be "EUC_2D"

    • This means the weight of each edge is the Euclidean distance between the vertices

  • "NODE_COORD_SECTION" — A list coordinates

    • Each coordinate is encoded as a list containing the city number, x, and y coordinate

      • [n, x, y]

    • This is the value that will be used for calculating the distance of a Hamiltonian cycle

    • The length of this list should be equal to the instance’s "DIMENSION"

Python provides a simple way to load JSON files directly into dictionaries.

import json

tsp_json = open(SOME_JSON_FILE)
tsp_dictionary = json.load(tsp_json)


When implementing the GA, consider creating a distance matrix based on the list of coordinates. This way, the distances between each vertex only needs to be calculated once.

1.4. Implementing the Genetic Algorithm

The first portion of the assignment is to implement a GA for TSP. It does not matter how the GA is implemented as long as the high-level framework of the algorithm is followed. The GA should at least have

  • Initialization

  • Fitness evaluation

  • Selection

  • Mutation

  • Crossover

  • Termination

Feel free to start from the GAs available on the GitHub repository used for other problems. Being creative and experimental is encouraged, and further, this creativity will provide plenty of content to discuss in the report.

Do not feel compelled to use the existing implementations of GAs that are in the repository. Additionally, the language used does not particularly matter; however, if you would like to use a language other than C, C++, C#, Java, or Python, please ask first for approval.

Make use of the provided TSP instances in JSON format. Also consider generating a distance matrix at runtime to reduce the total number of distance calculations the GA has to do.

When running the GA for the purpose of gathering results, be sure to run it on a variety of instance of different sizes (small, medium, large, and unreasonably large). Take note of everything you observe as this is worth discussing in the report. It is possible to find tables of the best known/optimal results online for the provided instances

Assuming the GA is working and there are no serious issues, 4 points will be awarded.

1.4.1. Enhancements and Modifications

A total of 3 additional points may be awarded for enhancing and modifying the GA. In general, each enhancement/modification will award 1 additional point, but depending on the complexity of the enhancement/modification, additional or fewer points may be awarded. To be safe, do not aim to put in minimal effort to obtain these marks if the goal is to obtain all 3 additional points.

The enhancements/modifications must be made clear to the marker as they will not dig through the implementation to try to find what was done. If choosing not to write a report, at least provide a text file containing a description of what was done. If writing a report, add a section within the report outlining what was done. If the enhancements/modifications are not clear, points may not be awarded.

Below is a short list of possible enhancement/modifications

  • Elitism

  • New or modified genetic operators

  • New or modified selection

  • Adding additional heuristics to the search

  • Adding a new operation to the algorithm

1.4.2. Visualization

Having the GA generate a visualization of results may provide an additional 2 points. How this is done is up to each individual, but ensure it is interesting, effective, clear, and well presented to ensure the points are awarded. The more creative the better.

For example, having a final static visualization of a route is fine, but not particularly interesting. It would be better if the GA periodically presents the best path or a set of paths from the population. If planning on doing this in real time, it is not recommended to have this happen for each generation as it would take a very long time. Instead, perhaps only show the visualization every so often or save images to create an animation after evolution is done.

Do not feel that visualizing the routes is the only option. It could be a visualization of some mechanism within the GA, or maybe something entirely different. Like already mentioned, the more creative the better.

1.4.3. Vehicle Routing Problem

If a GA is also applied to the vehicle routing problem, 4 additional points may be obtained. Be sure to have a working TSP implementation before attempting this more complex problem. Points will only be awarded for a complete and working implementation of a GA for the vehicle routing problem

The vehicle routing problem is, to describe it briefly, a generalization of TSP that is multi-objective (more than one value needs to be optimized). Expect it to be non-trivial to apply a GA to. There are several variations of this problem, so feel free to attempt any of the variations.

If this is being attempted, search for data and be sure to obtain problem instances of various sizes. It may also be possible to find tables of best known results online.

The Wikipedia article for the vehicle routing problem provides a description of the problem. Be sure to read through the article if this problem is being attempted.

1.5. Report

Writing a simple report will award up to 4 additional points; however, a total of 12 points may be obtained by completing all portions of the report sufficiently.


Writing a report is non-trivial and will likely take much longer than implementing the algorithm.

The base report will consider spelling, grammar, prose, etc. for marking, thus, the marker will be analysing the report both quantitatively and qualitatively.

There is no right way to write a report, nor is there a definitive structure. The most correct way is to write a report that most effectively communicates what needs to be communicated.

Here is an example article that shows how one could write the report. Providing this example is by no means a suggesting that this is what the report should look like. It serves to provide a frame of reference.

Below is a list of things to consider including in the report. This list is a collection of suggested ideas to consider and is not intended to be the standard template.

  • Introduction

    • What is the problem?

    • Small literature review

      • What have other people done in the past that worked

  • Problem description

    • What is TSP?

    • If applicable, what is the vehicle routing problem?

  • Algorithm description

    • How was the GA implemented?

      • Can someone follow the description to recreate your work?

    • What enhancements/modifications were included?

      • Why were they done?

      • How were they done?

  • Explain how the results will be analysed

    • What is being compared?

    • How will the comparison be done?

      • Mean

      • Distribution comparison

      • Probability values?

  • Explains the results and discuss

    • What happened?

    • How would this compare to random?

    • How would this compare to other algorithms?

    • How were the results compared to the best known?

    • Did any of the implemented modifications or enhancements improve the results?

  • Conclusions and possible future directions

    • What are the major takeaways?

    • How good was it?

    • What else could be done as next steps for continuing the analysis?

  • Bibliography

    • References, if included

1.5.1. LaTeX

An additional 2 points may be obtained if the report is written in LaTeX.

LaTeX is powerful software for writing and typesetting documents. Everything is written in plain text with various tags that LaTeX will use to format the document nicely.

Although it is possible to download, write, and build everything locally on a personal computer, it is highly recommended to use Overleaf. Overleaf is an online editor that takes care a lot of tedious setup and it automatically backs up all work.

If using LaTeX, it is recommended that the report be written with the IEEE conference template. Overleaf makes it simple to start using the template.

Although it is possible to write the bibliography in the document with \bibitem, it is far simpler to use BibTeX.

Although LaTeX and BibTeX is not being taught, it should not be too difficult to get used to it with the help of tutorials and examples available online.

1.5.2. References and Citations

Including effective and proper references/citations may award an additional 2 points.

There is no correct number of references to include as that depends on the report itself.

LaTeX and BibTeX makes references and citations relatively simple. Further, with Google Scholar, getting references correct is trivial.

  1. Google Scholar

  2. Search for an article

  3. Select the “Cite” link with stylised quotations next to it


    Top query result when searching for “introduction to evolutionary computing” on Google Scholar. The “Cite” link is highlighted in the above figure.

  4. A list of citation styles are presented for the article.

  5. Select the “BibTeX” link at the bottom of the list


    List of popular citation styles. The “BibTeX” link is highlighted in the above figure.

  6. Copy the information from this page to a BibTeX file

      title={Introduction to evolutionary computing},
      author={Eiben, Agoston E and Smith, James E},

1.5.3. Figures and Tables

Effectively including figures, tables, etc. in the report may award an additional 2 points. Examples include an algorithm flow diagram, a table of parameter settings, tables of results, result visualization, learning curves, distributions of results, etc.


The tables and figures must effectively communicate relevant information. For example, a giant table of results is difficult to interpret. Instead, think of how the data can be represented succinctly and clearly.

1.5.4. Statistical Analysis

Including proper statistical comparisons of results may award an additional 2 points.

Typically, different results will be obtained every time the algorithm is run. This is due to the stochastic nature of these algorithms. For this reason, it is not possible to run these algorithms once to compare the results. Instead, distributions of results need to be obtained and these distributions are then compared to one another.

In evolutionary computation, it is common to see 30 runs of each algorithm to obtain the distributions (30 runs of the same algorithm with the same setup and hyperparameters).

It is not possible to say which statistical methods should be used for the analysis as that depends on what the goal is. Below is a general guideline.

  • General summary statistics for each distribution

    • Mean, standard deviation, etc.

  • Comparing distributions

    • Student t-test or Mann-Whitney U

  • Measuring the difference between distributions (effect)

    • Cohen’s D test

1.6. What to Submit to Moodle


Completing a requirement does not guarantee that the corresponding points will be awarded. Each requirement must be completed to the satisfaction of the marker.

  • Submit everything via Moodle by 11:55pm on the due date

  • Include the full implementation of the GA along with any special running instructions if necessary

  • Include the report

  • Include anything else the marker may need for effectively evaluating the work