1. Playing with Objects is Still Fun

  • Worth: 5%

  • DUE: Monday January 27, 2025, 11:55pm; submitted on MOODLE.

1.1. Task

The goal is to create a collection of Country objects. The collection, called a CountryCatalogue, will provide functionality to store (add/remove) the Country objects in addition to making inquiries about the data in the collection.

Effectively, the idea is to recreate your assignment 4 written in Python from the previous course, but in Java. Be aware that the assignment is not identical and the requirements outlined here will be what is required.

You will

  • Create a Country class to store details about a country

  • Create a CountryCatalogue class

    • Provide a way to add and remove Country objects

    • Search through the catalogue

    • Ask questions about the data in the catalogue

    • Filter data in the catalogue

  • Test the implementation with the provided test classes

  • Use the classes to build a CountryCatalogue

  • Read data from a file

  • Write data to a file

1.2. Provided Files

You are provided with

  • A nearly empty Country.java file to be completed

  • A nearly empty CountryCatalogue.java file to be completed

  • A completed Asn1.java file with a main method and some testing code

  • A csv file called country_data.csv containing information about countries to be added to a CountryCatalogue

  • A completed CountryTest.java file containing unit tests for the Country class

  • A completed CountryCatalogueTest.java file containing unit tests for the CountryCatalogue class

  • All of this can be downloaded from here

    • This is a compressed IntelliJ project

    • Just unzip, put it where you want on your computer, and you should be able to open this project through IntelliJ


When opening the project, IntelliJ may mention a missing JDK. If this is the case, simply select the download link in the notification to download and install the missing JDK.

1.3. Part 0 — Read the Assignment

Read the assignment description in its entirety before starting.

1.4. Part 1 — Country

The Country class will store data related to the country it represents. The data stored will be the country name, population, area, and continent. The CountryCatalogue class described in part 2 will store instances of the Country class.

  1. Write a constructor for the Country class that takes four (4) parameters to be stored as class fields

    • name — type String

    • continent — type String

    • population – type long

    • area — type double


    Notice that the type for population is a long. One may be tempted to simply use an int, but the int type has a limitation.

    In Java, int values are stored in four bytes (4B)/32 bits (32b), which means the number of unique values the int can represent is \(2^{32}\), which is \(4,294,967,296\). More specifically, int values can store values between \(-2,147,483,648\) and \(+2,147,483,647\). Since the population of continents can exceed two billion, the int is not going to work.

    The simplest solution to this problem is to make use of the long type. long values are just like int values, but are stored in eight bytes (8B)/64 bits (64b). This means a long can represent \(2^{64}\) (\(1.84^{19}\)) unique values.

  2. Write accessor/getter methods for each class field

    • Call these methods getX where X is the name specific field

    • For example, getArea would return the field area

  3. Write a method to calculate and return the population density (population/area)

    • Call this method populationDensity

    • With floating point numbers (doubles included), division by zero results in a special value — Infinity

    • If this method is called on a Country object with an area of zero, it should return Infinity

    • In other words, this method should not perform any special check for area being zero

  4. Write a toString method to return a string following the pattern ClassName(field=value, field=value, ... )

  5. Write an equals and hashCode method

  6. Run the unit tests to ensure the Country class works properly

    • It may be necessary to add JUnit to the class path, as described in the testing topic


    Be sure to use JUnit 5. If you use JUnit 4, the tests will not work. Further, if you select JUnit 4 by accident, changing the project to use JUnit 5 can be difficult.

1.5. Part 2 — Country Catalogue

The CountryCatalogue class holds references to Country objects. Additionally, the CountryCatalogue provides functionality to add and remove Country objects to itself and ask questions about the data. The CountryCatalogue is effectively a list keeping track of the Country objects with additional functionality.

Although the description of this class is provided with an order and each part is numbered, one should feel free to complete the methods in any order they see fit. Additionally, feel free to write and use additional private methods as needed.

The CountryCatalogue class will need two fields

  • size — an int to keep track of the number of Country objects in the catalogue

  • catalogue — an array of Country objects

The class will also have two static constants

  • An int called NOT_FOUND that is set to -1

    • This constant serves as a nice way to indicate, with a sentinel value, that something was not found

  • An int for this class called DEFAULT_CAPACITY that should be set to 10

    • This will be used as a starting size for the catalogue array if none is specified upon creation

  1. Write two constructors for the CountryCatalogue class

    • One creates the CountryCatalogue with the catalogue array being the default size

    • One takes a parameter to create a CountryCatalogue with the catalogue array being the size specified by the parameter

  2. Write an add method to add a Country object to the CountryCatalogue

    • This method takes the Country object to be added as a parameter

    • This method returns a boolean indicating if the add was successful

    • This method must still work if the catalogue array is full

  3. Write a remove method that removes a Country object from the CountryCatalogue

    • This method takes the Country object to be removed as a parameter

    • This method returns a boolean indicating if the remove was successful

      • Returns true if the remove was successful

      • Returns false if the remove was unsuccessful; if the element to be removed does not exist

    • If more than one matching Country object exists, only remove the first occurrence

    • If a Country object is removed, the order of the remaining Country objects must remain unchanged

      • For example, if A is removed from C, A, R, L, the result should be C, R, L

  4. Write a contains method that searches for a Country object within the CountryCatalogue

    • This method takes the Country to search for as a parameter

    • This method returns a boolean indicating if the specified Country object is within the CountryCatalogue

  5. Write an indexOf method that finds the index of a Country object within the CountryCatalogue

    • This method takes the Country to search for as a parameter

    • This method returns the index of the specified Country object within the CountryCatalogue

    • This method throws a NoSuchElementException if no matching Country object exists

  6. Write a get method that returns the Country object at a specified index within the CountryCatalogue

    • This method takes an index as a parameter

    • This method returns a reference to the Country object at the specified index in the catalogue array

    • This method throws a IndexOutOfBoundsException if an inadmissible index is provided

  7. Write a smallestPopulationDensity method that returns the Country in the CountryCatalogue with the smallest population density

    • This method returns a reference to the Country object with the smallest population density

    • If more than one Country object has the same smallest population density, return the first occurrence

    • This method throws a NoSuchElementException if the CountryCatalogue is empty

  8. Write a largestPopulationDensity method that returns the Country in the CountryCatalogue with the largest population density

    • This method returns a reference to the Country object with the largest population density

    • If more than one Country object has the same largest population density, return the first occurrence

    • This method throws a NoSuchElementException if the CountryCatalogue is empty

  9. Write a filterByPopulationDensity method that returns a new CountryCatalogue containing Country objects within the specified range

    • This method takes two parameters indicating the low and high limits for filtering

      • The lower limit is inclusiveCountry objects with population densities greater than or equal to this limit are included

      • The upper limit is exclusiveCountry objects with population densities strictly less than this limit are included

    • This method returns a new CountryCatalogue containing Country objects from the current CountryCatalogue that fall within the specified range

    • This method returns an empty CountryCatalogue if no Country objects exist within the specified range

      • This includes the case that the current CountryCatalogue is empty

  10. Write a mostPopulousContinent method that returns the name of the continent with the largest population

    • This method returns a String of the name of the continent with the largest population

    • This method throws a NoSuchElementException if the CountryCatalogue is empty

    • This method only considers Country objects contained within the CountryCatalogue

    • This method should work with an arbitrary number of possible continents

      • In other words, do not hard code the names of the continents on Earth

    • It is recommended to make use of a hash map for this method

  11. Write an isEmpty method that returns a boolean indicating if the CountryCatalogue is empty or not

  12. Write a size method that returns the number of Country objects within the CountryCatalogue

  13. Write a toString method that returns a String representation of the CountryCatalogue

    • The String should be an aggregate of the String representations of the Country objects within the CountryCatalogue

    • Each Country object’s String representation should be on its own line

    • For example

    Country(name=Nigeria, continent=Africa, population=186987563, area=912134.45)
    Country(name=Mexico, continent=North America, population=128632004, area=1969230.76)
    Country(name=Egypt, continent=Africa, population=93383574, area=1000000.00)
    Country(name=France, continent=Europe, population=64668129, area=541656.76)
    Country(name=Italy, continent=Europe, population=59801004, area=300000.00)
  14. Uncomment out the provided equals and hashCode methods

    • These are provided since writing equals for collections and testing them can be tricky

  15. Run the unit tests to ensure the Country class works properly

1.6. Part 3 — File IO and Using Classes

A complete main method has been provided to you within the Asn1 class. Take your time to read over the code carefully and make sense of what it is doing. You are not required to make any changes to this code, but you are required to understand it and how it works.

The first portion of main loads data from a file, parses it, and then uses the data to create Country objects to add to a CountryCatalogue.

The next portion simply alters the contents of the CountryCatalogue object and the third part queries the CountryCatalogue for some details.

The last portion of main creates a new CountryCatalogue by filtering the existing CountryCatalogue. The details of the Country objects within the new filtered CountryCatalogue are added to a string that is then ultimately saved to a csv file.

There are no unit tests for main. To test it, simply run it and check if it works as expected.


In the Python implementation in the previous course, most file IO was done by reading/writing a single line at a time from/to the file. It is entirely possible to read/write one line at a time in Java, but here, when reading from a file, notice that the whole contents of the file is read as a single string and then parsed. Similarly, when writing to a file, the whole string is created before it is written to the file as a single string.


The functions Files.readString and Files.writeString used for file IO may throw IOExceptions. Notice, however, that these calls are not wrapped with try/catch. This is because main includes throws IOException in its signature, as described in the Java vs. Python topic’s IO Section.

1.7. Part 4 — Testing

You might need to add JUnit to the classpath for the project, as described in the testing topic.

You may have already verified the correctness of your Country and CountryCatalogue classes by running their test classes. If not, do it!

If you have, for good measure, re-run all the tests provided to you. If they all pass, you should be pretty confident that you have everything working correctly.

There are no tests provided for the Asn1 class, but that’s nothing to worry about. You can get a sense that it is working correctly by running the main method and checking that everything worked as expected.

1.8. Some Hints

  • Work on one method at a time

  • Get each method working perfectly before you go on to the next one

  • Test each method as you write it

    • This is a really nice thing about programming; you can call your methods and see what result gets returned

    • Mentally test before you even write — what does this method do? What problem is it solving?

  • If you need help, ask

    • Drop by office hours

1.9. Some Marking Details


Just because your program produces the correct output, that does not necessarily mean that you will get perfect, or even that your program is correct.

Below is a list of both quantitative and qualitative things we will look for:

  • Correctness?

  • Did you follow instructions?

  • Comments?

  • Variable Names?

  • Style?

  • Did you do just weird things that make no sense?

1.10. What to Submit to Moodle

  • Make sure your NAME, SCHOOL EMAIL, and STUDENT NUMBER appear in a comment at the top of the classes

  • Submit your completed .java files to Moodle

    • Country.java and CountryCatalogue.java

    • Do not submit the Asn1.java file

    • Do not submit the .csv files

    • Do not submit the .class files

    • Do not compress the files


Verify that your submission to Moodle worked. If you submit incorrectly, you will get a 0.

1.11. Assignment FAQ