23. Searching
For the purposes of this topic, searching is the process of looking for a specified thing in some collection to know if it exists within the collection
For example, does a given number exist within an array of numbers?
To write an algorithm to solve this problem, all that’s needed is something that says if it’s there or not
That’s all that’s required
Any algorithm that works would suffice
However, the focus here will be on two intuitive ideas that people commonly use in one way or another throughout their lives
Linear Search
Interpolation Search
A specific kind of interpolation search called a binary search will be discussed
Throughout this topic
The thing being searched for will be referred to as the
The collection being searched through will be referred to as the
23.1. Linear Search
Start at the beginning of the
and sequentially look at each element until theneedle
is foundIf the
is found, then conclude that it is thereIf the end of the
is reached without finding theneedle
, then conclude that it is not there
Notice that this description of the algorithm doesn’t go into any more details
It is fairly high-level — abstract
The computational complexity of this algorithm is linear — \(O(n)\)
Worst case scenario, every element in the
was looked at before making any conclusion — linear \(O(n)\)Best case scenario, the
is the first element in thehaystack
— constant \(O(1)\)On average, the element will be in the middle — linear \(O(n)\)
For every time
is the first element, it could be the last element in another searchFor every time the
is the second element, it could be in the second last position in another search…

Example linear collection of data. With a linear search, to guarantee if some needle
exists within this
, each element must be looked at.
23.1.1. Iterative
Below is a generic implementation of a linear search on an array of type
8 public static <T> int iterativeLinearSearch(T needle, T[] haystack) {
9 for (int i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
10 if (Objects.equals(haystack[i], needle)) {
11 return i;
12 }
13 }
14 return NOT_FOUND;
15 }
This iterative implementation is fairly similar to the high-level description of the algorithm
Start at
i = 0
— the beginning of thehaystack
If the element at index
is theneedle
, conclude that it’s thereOtherwise continue and increment
If the end of the
is reached without finding theneedle
, then conclude that it is not there
23.1.2. Recursive
Below is a recursive implementation of a linear search following the same high-level abstract idea
19 public static <T> int recursiveLinearSearch(T needle, T[] haystack, int currentIndex) {
20 if (currentIndex == haystack.length) {
21 return NOT_FOUND;
22 } else if (Objects.equals(haystack[currentIndex], needle)) {
23 return currentIndex;
24 } else {
25 return recursiveLinearSearch(needle, haystack, currentIndex + 1);
26 }
27 }
If I wanted to call this method, I would start with
recursiveLinearSearch(someNeedle, someHaystack, 0)
This may seem quite different from the iterative implementation, but the high-level idea is the same
If the end of the
is reached without finding theneedle
, then conclude that it is not thereIf the element at index
is theneedle
, conclude that it’s thereOtherwise continue by calling the recursive function again with
23.2. Binary Search
Imagine looking for page 554 in a roughly 1000 page textbook
It would be reasonable to start by opening the textbook somewhere in the middle-ish
If the page landed on was page 402, which half of the book must page 554 be in?
Left set of pages, or right set of pages?
Since 554 is greater than 402, it must be in the right set of pages
This means, after looking at a single page, the 401 pages in the left set can be ignored
With this information, imagine turning to another page in the right set of pages and landing on page 621
Which remaining set of pages must the page 554 be in?
In the left set of pages (403 – 620), or the right set (622 – 1000)?
This general idea is the basis of binary search
Technically, this is interpolation search
A binary search is a special kind of interpolation search
There is, however, a catch with binary search when compared to a linear search
being searched must be sortedIf it was not sorted, it would not be possible to conclude which half the
is in after investigating an elementThe complexity analysis of binary search may feel intimidating, but the trick is to visualize the work being done

Visualization of how to search for a number within the range 1 – 15. The initial guess would be the halfway point and each subsequent guess would be the halfway point of the remaining elements. Elements at the bottom would take 4 guesses to find.
To analyze the complexity, consider the worst case scenario
Look for an element at the bottom as it would take the most number of guesses to find
Looking for an element that does not exist would also work
First, imagine performing a linear search where the
In this case, all \(15\) elements in the
would need to be investigated before theneedle
was foundSince it is at the end of the
When considering a binary search, how many things would need to be looked at before
is found?\(4\)
The reason this takes fewer steps is because roughly half of the remaining elements are ignored after each check
For example,
is greater than8
, therefore the numbers1
can be ignoredIn other words, with linear search, after a single guess, only the element checked can be eliminated
But with binary search, the element checked, plus roughly half the remaining elements, can be ignored
There is a relationship between the maximum number of checks and the number of elements \(n\) in the
\(n = 2^{h + 1} - 1\), where h is the “height” of the “tree”, or, the number of steps needed to get from the top to the bottom
\(h = log_{2}(n + 1) - 1\)
Thus, the computational complexity of binary search is \(O(log_{2}(n))\)
As \(n\) grows, the maximum number of steps that could be taken grows like \(log_{2}(n)\)
The above explanation uses details not discussed in this course yet, but they be covered in subsequent topics. In other words, don’t be too concerned if these ideas are not 100% clear yet.
23.2.1. Iterative
Below is a generic implementation of an iterative binary search
Take note that
or one of their superclasses must extendComparable
This is because the elements must be ordered
31 public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> int iterativeBinarySearch(T needle, T[] haystack) {
32 int lowIndex = 0;
33 int highIndex = haystack.length;
34 int midpoint = (highIndex - lowIndex) / 2;
36 while (lowIndex < highIndex) {
37 if (haystack[midpoint].compareTo(needle) == 0) {
38 return midpoint;
39 } else if (Objects.compare(haystack[midpoint], needle, T::compareTo) > 0) {
40 highIndex = midpoint - 1;
41 midpoint = lowIndex + (highIndex - lowIndex) / 2;
42 } else {
43 lowIndex = midpoint + 1;
44 midpoint = lowIndex + (highIndex - lowIndex) / 2;
45 }
46 }
47 return NOT_FOUND;
48 }
Here is what’s happening
While search space has not been exausted (
lowIndex < highIndex
is ever greater than or equal tohighIndex
, there are no more indices the element could exist
Look at the middle
If the element in the middle is the
If the element in the middle is less than the
Continue the search on the remaining upper half by looking at the midpoint of the remaining elements
If the element in the middle is greater than the
Continue the search on the remaining lower half by looking at the midpoint of the remaining elements
23.2.2. Recursive
Below is a recursive implementation of a binary search
Notice that, other than being recursive, the underlying high-level algorithm is the same as the iterative implementation
52 public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> int recursiveBinarySearch(T needle, T[] haystack, int lowIndex, int highIndex) {
53 if (lowIndex >= highIndex) {
54 return NOT_FOUND;
55 }
56 int midpoint = lowIndex + (highIndex - lowIndex) / 2;
57 if (haystack[midpoint].compareTo(needle) == 0) {
58 return midpoint;
59 } else if (Objects.compare(haystack[midpoint], needle, T::compareTo) > 0) {
60 return recursiveBinarySearch(needle, haystack, lowIndex, midpoint - 1);
61 } else {
62 return recursiveBinarySearch(needle, haystack, midpoint + 1, highIndex);
63 }
64 }
To call this method to initiate a search, start with
recursiveBinarySearch(someNeedle, someHaystack, 0, someHaystack.length)
23.3. For Next Time
Read Chapter 9 Section 1
7 pages
23.3.1. Playing Code
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