24. Tree ADT
Trees are nonlinear data structures
The data does not naturally arrange in an obvious linear, sequential way
Trees are useful when organizing data in some hierarchical way
Family trees
File systems on a computer
Decision trees
Table of contents of a book
24.1. Definitions & Terminology
24.1.1. Tree Definition
A tree is a collection of elements such that:
It is empty
Or, it has a special element called the root, from which descends zero or more trees (subtrees)
Notice that this definition is recursive
24.1.2. Nodes
A node is a single entity in the tree
An edge connects nodes
The root node is a special element that is the origin of the tree
A tree can have one or zero root nodes
A leaf node is a node without an edge to a child node
An interior node is not a leaf node
An empty tree is a tree with no nodes or edges
This is still a tree based on the definition of the tree discussed above
Think empty stack/queue/bag — they still exist, but they’re just empty
It is possible to find alternative definitions of trees; however, the definition included here is used as it is common.
24.1.3. Relationships
A parent/predecessor of a given node is the node directly above in the hierarchy
Each node can have at most one parent, except for the root, which has no parent
A child/successor of a given node is the node directly below in the hierarchy
Each node can have any number of children
A sibling of a given node is a node that has the same parent
An ancestor of a given node is the parent, or the parent’s parent, or …
A descendant of a given node is the child, or the child’s child, or …
A leaf node cannot have any children
The root node of the whole tree has no parent node
With the exception of the root node, each node has exactly one parent
A subtree of a given node is a child node and all descendants
A subtree is itself a tree
A node may have many subtrees
24.1.4. Properties
A path is the sequence of nodes and edges leading from one node to another
The path length is the number of edges in the path
The level of a given node is the number of edges between the root and the node
Recursive definition
The level of the root is
The level of a node that is not the root is the level of its parent
+ 1
The height of a tree is the number of levels the tree has
The path length between the two emphasized nodes is three (
)The height of this tree is three (
)A tree with only a root has a height of zero (
)The height of an empty tree is negative one (
The degree/arity of a given node is the number of children the node has
The degree/arity of a tree is the maximum degree/arity of the tree’s nodes
24.2. For Next Time
Read Chapter 10 Sections 1 – 3
10 pages