3. Evolutionary Art
Evolutionary Art represents the convergence of Creative Expression and Evolutionary Computing
The evolutionary period often produces new forms of art
3.1. Evolutionary Artforms
This is really just “How do humans make art?”
3.1.1. Music & Dance
Make melodies and full songs
Develop rhythms and musical structure
Create sequences of choreography
3.1.2. Paintings & Sculpting
Attempts to achieve a target solution (TSP? Or SymboReg)
Complete Randomization of art
Creating 3d Sculptures that can be modeled
3.1.3. Poetry & Shakespeare (or really… any book)
Attempts to form grammatically correct sentences or follow rules of poetry
- Follow the rules of a Haiku:
Start and end with five,
Middle line houses seven,
Structured syllables
3.1.4. Actually, I think math is art 🤓
See Assignment Two
3.2. Making an Evolutionary Program
What is a population?
How could you possibly give a fitness score? Isn’t art subjective?
What does crossover look like?
Elites? Like Van Gogh?
3.2.1. Encoding Art As Chromosomes
- Visual Art
Create nxm pixel lists that can have any colour in any give spot
Mathematical functions that make specific shapes
- Music
Store Musical Components as Variables (Like chords)
MIDI representations that can be stored as numeric values
- For example, Hot cross buns follows:
64, 62, 60
64, 62, 60
60, 60, 60, 60
62, 62, 62, 62
64, 62, 60
Where 64 = E4, 62 = D4, and 60 = C4
3.2.2. Establishing a Population
- To create a painting, you could simply start with an nxm grid of:
A solid colour
A random colour for each pixel
- To make a musical sequence, you can:
Generate random sequences within music constraints
Based on existing songs, steal and splice segments
3.2.3. Defining Fitness
Contrast of Colour (Pixel by pixel Basis)
Human Scoring
Statistical Analysis (% of colour)
Using Machine Learning for Score
3.2.4. Mutating Art
- In Visual Art
Pixel Colour Mutation
Redefining Generative functions
Altering the length of 3d Modelling Vectors
- In Music
Changing a Note (Pitch, Length, Volume)
Swapping an existing musical variable with a random new one
3.2.5. Artistic Crossover
- In Visual Art
Swapping segments of pixels (Layers/Regions)
Swapping Functions and Preset Drawings
- In Music
Changing a Note (Pitch, Length, Volume)
Swapping segments of songs
Exchanging instrument assignment
3.2.6. Elitism
Now that everything else is defined, elitism works as it normally would
3.3. Example of Creating a Painting
3.4. Trends and Relavant Applications
A surgence in Machine Learning has led to more capability for less objective computation
Can be applicable to structrual engineering (architecture…) and fashion design